
Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group

Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group
Registered charity number: SC043480

Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group's method of operation:
  • It carries out activities or services itself

What services Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group provides:
  • the advancement of education
  • the advancement of health
  • the relief of those in need by reason of age, ill-health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage

Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group provides services to:
  • People with disabilities or health problems

Dumfries And Galloway Personality Disorder Support Group's charitable objectives:

4.1 To advance health and wellbeing of people in Dumfries and Galloway who are affected by a Personality Disorder. 4.2 To provide training and learning for people affected by the condition and families, and to raise awareness of the issues affecting them.

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