Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)

Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)
Registered charity number:
Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)'s method of operation:
- Provides Services
- Provides Advocacy/advice/information
What services Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool) provides:
- Education/training
- The Advancement Of Health Or Saving Of Lives
Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool) provides services to:
- Other Defined Groups
Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)'s charitable objectives:
The preservation and protection of health, both mental and physical, of those who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence and the prevention of hardship and distress caused by domestic violence and the advancement of education by providing a programme of counselling and support to those in need and promoting awareness of such to the public and supporting bodies.
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Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)
Voice For Change Domestic Violence Support (liverpool)
All donations go directly to the charity
FREE to all UK charities
100% not for profit
FREE to all UK charities
100% not for profit